The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton

About The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton

sleeps 3 people
Broadwoodwidger near Lifton

Photos of The Coach House

You'll find any photos we have of The Coach House on this page. So far we have these photos for you to look at:

  1. The setting of The Coach House
  2. The living room
  3. This is the living room
  4. The dining area
  5. This is the kitchen
  6. Kitchen
  7. Bathroom
  8. The bathroom
  9. One of the bedrooms
  10. One of the 2 bedrooms
  11. One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 2)
  12. A bedroom in The Coach House
  13. Bedroom
  14. One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 3)
  15. This is a bedroom
  16. One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 4)
  17. This is the setting of The Coach House
  18. This is the garden
  19. The garden in The Coach House
  20. The garden in The Coach House (photo 2)
  21. The setting of The Coach House (photo 2)
  22. Outside

If you have any photos of The Coach House, email them to us and we'll get them added! You can also see The Coach House on a map, Thanks for looking.

You may well want to book The Coach House for your next holiday - if this sounds like something you're looking for, just click the big button below, and you can check prices and availability.

Remember - "a picture paints a thousand words".

The setting of The Coach House

The setting of The Coach House at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


The living room

The living room at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


This is the living room

This is the living room at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


The dining area

The dining area at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


This is the kitchen

This is the kitchen at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton



Kitchen at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton



Bathroom at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


The bathroom

The bathroom at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


One of the bedrooms

One of the bedrooms at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


One of the 2 bedrooms

One of the 2 bedrooms at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 2)

One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 2) at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


A bedroom in The Coach House

A bedroom in The Coach House at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton



Bedroom at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 3)

One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 3) at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


This is a bedroom

This is a bedroom at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 4)

One of the 2 bedrooms (photo 4) at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


This is the setting of The Coach House

This is the setting of The Coach House at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


This is the garden

This is the garden at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


The garden in The Coach House

The garden in The Coach House at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


The garden in The Coach House (photo 2)

The garden in The Coach House (photo 2) at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


The setting of The Coach House (photo 2)

The setting of The Coach House (photo 2) at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton



Outside at The Coach House, Broadwoodwidger near Lifton


Find The Coach House on the map

These cottages with photos are within 5 miles of The Coach House

Cosy Cottage in  - Broadwoodwidger near Lifton
Cosy Cottage

Cosy Cottage is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

Cosy Cottage
Farmer Oaks Hut in Dippertown, near Tavistock - Devon
Farmer Oaks Hut

Farmer Oaks Hut is 3 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

Farmer Oaks Hut
Langham Cottage in  - Liftondown near Lifton
Langham Cottage

Langham Cottage is 3 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

Langham Cottage
Lazy Hare at Jen's Orchard in  - St Giles On The Heath
Lazy Hare at Jen's Orchard

Lazy Hare at Jen's Orchard is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

Lazy Hare at Jen's Orchard
Lifton Hall - The Barn in Lifton, near Tavistock - Devon
Lifton Hall - The Barn

Lifton Hall - The Barn is 3 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

Lifton Hall - The Barn
Sunny Pooh Corner - Eeyore in Beaworthy - Devon
Sunny Pooh Corner - Eeyore

Sunny Pooh Corner - Eeyore is 4 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

Sunny Pooh Corner - Eeyore
Sunny Pooh Corner - Honeypot Lodge in Beaworthy - Devon
Sunny Pooh Corner - Honeypot Lodge

Sunny Pooh Corner - Honeypot Lodge is 4 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

Sunny Pooh Corner - Honeypot Lodge
The Haven in Lifton - Devon
The Haven

The Haven is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

The Haven
The Retreat in Lifton - Devon
The Retreat

The Retreat is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 2 people.

The Retreat
Cornflower in Broadwoodwidger, near Launceston - Devon

Cornflower is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

Hawthorne Lodge, 15 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Hawthorne Lodge, 15 Roadford Lake Lodges

Hawthorne Lodge, 15 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

Hawthorne Lodge, 15 Roadford Lake Lodges
Little Malory in  - St Giles-On-The-Heath
Little Malory

Little Malory is 4 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

Little Malory
Periwinkle Lodge, 3 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Periwinkle Lodge, 3 Roadford Lake Lodges

Periwinkle Lodge, 3 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

Periwinkle Lodge, 3 Roadford Lake Lodges
Primrose Lodge, 25 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Primrose Lodge, 25 Roadford Lake Lodges

Primrose Lodge, 25 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

Primrose Lodge, 25 Roadford Lake Lodges
Rose Lodge, 21 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Rose Lodge, 21 Roadford Lake Lodges

Rose Lodge, 21 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

Rose Lodge, 21 Roadford Lake Lodges
The i in Lifton - Devon
The i

The i is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

The i
The Old Cowshed in  - Broadwoodwidger near Lifton
The Old Cowshed

The Old Cowshed is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

The Old Cowshed
The Old Shippen in Lifton - Devon
The Old Shippen

The Old Shippen is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

The Old Shippen
The Shed in Lewdown, near Okehampton - Devon
The Shed

The Shed is 4 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 4 people.

The Shed
Thrushel Cottage in  - Lifton
Thrushel Cottage

Thrushel Cottage is 3 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 5 people.

Thrushel Cottage
Bluebell Lodge, 29 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Bluebell Lodge, 29 Roadford Lake Lodges

Bluebell Lodge, 29 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Bluebell Lodge, 29 Roadford Lake Lodges
Buttercup Lodge, 33 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Buttercup Lodge, 33 Roadford Lake Lodges

Buttercup Lodge, 33 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Buttercup Lodge, 33 Roadford Lake Lodges
Cherry Lodge, 14 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Cherry Lodge, 14 Roadford Lake Lodges

Cherry Lodge, 14 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Cherry Lodge, 14 Roadford Lake Lodges
Clover Lodge, 32 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Clover Lodge, 32 Roadford Lake Lodges

Clover Lodge, 32 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Clover Lodge, 32 Roadford Lake Lodges
Forget Me Not Lodge, 4 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Forget Me Not Lodge, 4 Roadford Lake Lodges

Forget Me Not Lodge, 4 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Forget Me Not Lodge, 4 Roadford Lake Lodges
Frankaborough Cottage in Lifton - Devon
Frankaborough Cottage

Frankaborough Cottage is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Frankaborough Cottage
Frankaborough Lodge in Beaworthy - Devon
Frankaborough Lodge

Frankaborough Lodge is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Frankaborough Lodge
Hazel Lodge, 27 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Hazel Lodge, 27 Roadford Lake Lodges

Hazel Lodge, 27 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Hazel Lodge, 27 Roadford Lake Lodges
Heron Lodge, 10 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton  - Devon
Heron Lodge, 10 Roadford Lake Lodges

Heron Lodge, 10 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Heron Lodge, 10 Roadford Lake Lodges
Hornbeam Lodge, 19 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Hornbeam Lodge, 19 Roadford Lake Lodges

Hornbeam Lodge, 19 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Hornbeam Lodge, 19 Roadford Lake Lodges
Lavender Lodge, 8 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Lavender Lodge, 8 Roadford Lake Lodges

Lavender Lodge, 8 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Lavender Lodge, 8 Roadford Lake Lodges
Lily in  - Broadwoodwidger near Ashwater

Lily is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Meadow Lodge in  - Broadwoodwidger near Lifton
Meadow Lodge

Meadow Lodge is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Meadow Lodge
Orchid Lodge, 23 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Orchid Lodge, 23 Roadford Lake Lodges

Orchid Lodge, 23 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Orchid Lodge, 23 Roadford Lake Lodges
Rosebank Cottage in Stowford, Devon/Cornwall border - Great Britain
Rosebank Cottage

Rosebank Cottage is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Rosebank Cottage
Saffron Lodge, 24 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Saffron Lodge, 24 Roadford Lake Lodges

Saffron Lodge, 24 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Saffron Lodge, 24 Roadford Lake Lodges
Snowdrop Lodge, 9 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Snowdrop Lodge, 9 Roadford Lake Lodges

Snowdrop Lodge, 9 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Snowdrop Lodge, 9 Roadford Lake Lodges
Swallows Nest in Stowford, Okehampton - Devon
Swallows Nest

Swallows Nest is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

Swallows Nest
The Old Broadley Chapel in Lewdown, near Okehampton - Devon
The Old Broadley Chapel

The Old Broadley Chapel is 3 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 6 people.

The Old Broadley Chapel
Daisy Lodge, 6 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Daisy Lodge, 6 Roadford Lake Lodges

Daisy Lodge, 6 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 7 people.

Daisy Lodge, 6 Roadford Lake Lodges
Blossom Lodge, 1 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Blossom Lodge, 1 Roadford Lake Lodges

Blossom Lodge, 1 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 8 people.

Blossom Lodge, 1 Roadford Lake Lodges
Four Chimneys in Bratton Clovelly - Devon
Four Chimneys

Four Chimneys is 4 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 8 people.

Four Chimneys
Foxglove Lodge, 31 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Foxglove Lodge, 31 Roadford Lake Lodges

Foxglove Lodge, 31 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 8 people.

Foxglove Lodge, 31 Roadford Lake Lodges
Iris Lodge, 18 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Iris Lodge, 18 Roadford Lake Lodges

Iris Lodge, 18 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 8 people.

Iris Lodge, 18 Roadford Lake Lodges
Juniper Lodge, 28 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Juniper Lodge, 28 Roadford Lake Lodges

Juniper Lodge, 28 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 8 people.

Juniper Lodge, 28 Roadford Lake Lodges
Lilac Lodge, 22 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Lilac Lodge, 22 Roadford Lake Lodges

Lilac Lodge, 22 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 8 people.

Lilac Lodge, 22 Roadford Lake Lodges
Mayflower in  - Broadwoodwidger near Ashwater

Mayflower is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 8 people.

The Vale in  - Ashwater
The Vale

The Vale is 3 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 8 people.

The Vale
Maple Lodge, 20 Roadford Lake Lodges in Lifton - Devon
Maple Lodge, 20 Roadford Lake Lodges

Maple Lodge, 20 Roadford Lake Lodges is 1 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 9 people.

Maple Lodge, 20 Roadford Lake Lodges
Hare Barn in  - Lifton
Hare Barn

Hare Barn is 2 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 10 people.

Hare Barn
Lifton Hall - Sycamore in Lifton - Devon
Lifton Hall - Sycamore

Lifton Hall - Sycamore is 3 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 12 people.

Lifton Hall - Sycamore
Manor Cottages in  - Bratton Clovelly
Manor Cottages

Manor Cottages is 4 miles from The Coach House and sleeps 16 people.

Manor Cottages